Without a doubt, COVID-19 has changed the event landscape for the foreseeable future. The physical experience has been removed and converted to sitting in front of a computer watching pre-recorded or live feeds from somewhere around the globe while trying desperately not to multi-task. I don’t know about you, but it makes me long for meeting rooms that feel like freezers, aching backs from walking on concrete and sore feet because you forgot your comfortable shoes.

Many organizations who have shifted to virtual have asked for help maintaining as much of the physical and personal aspects as possible.

We work with many businesses and educational organizations who hold regular events. For these customers we typically produce products such as custom screen-printed t-shirts, embroidered golf shirts and bags, event programs and marketing material, personalized lanyards and other promotional products. Typically, customers use our fulfillment services to individually kit pack the items for distribution at the event.

In the time of COVID-19, instead of bulk shipping to the event location, our team is also including the personalized name badge in the kit pack and then shipping a customized kit (including the right size shirt) directly to the participants home or office a few days ahead of the event. Some customers are also using branded packaging to enhance the experience. This approach puts the event and sponsor brands directly in customers hands while also providing a personalized experience.

Many of our customers are also purchasing timely promotional products such as branded:

  • Mask
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • To-go disinfecting wipes
  • Stress ball
  • Touchless door opener
  • Water bottle
  • Coffee mug
  • Golf balls and towel
  • Backpack
  • And more!

While it’s true that most physical events are temporarily on hold, the opportunity to market has not disappeared. Let the team at Associated Printing & Marketing Solutions help plan your marketing and fulfillment project from selecting the right products to packaging and shipping. No matter who they are and where they are located, we can help get your brand in their hands!