These COVID-19 Signage Tips Will Help You Protect Your Customers and Employees.

It’s been just over six months since the world radically changed for us all when the COVID-19 pandemic made its way to the US. It has without a doubt made navigating life, work and school challenging on a whole new level. Never in our wildest dreams did we think masks would become a new fashion statement!

Like it or not, where, when and how we move around is going to be different for a while. For parents – some students returned to schools and classrooms this fall while others are attempting to learn virtually. Some employees have gone back (often reluctantly) to the office and some customers have cautiously started to frequent their favorite businesses and restaurants.

Answer Common Questions with COVID-19 Signage

Are masks required or recommended? Will my temperature be taken? Am I allowed to walk this direction down the hall, or do I have to take another route? With all the uncertainty of the times and the anxiety that can come from not knowing what to do, where to go and who to talk to, the need for clear communication has become more important than ever.

When it comes to planning your visual communication, keep the following five tips in mind:

  1. Communicate in a positive, friendly tone using simple, easy to understand language – times are challenging, and scary messaging only increases anxiety
  2. Use color, typography and imagery that is clear, calming and reassuring – again, no need to create confusion or elicit anxiety
  3. Brand, brand, brand your signage – this is a good time for people to know your business cares and is doing its best to protect its customers and employees
  4. Take a walk – and put yourself in the shoes of your customers and employees when planning your communications. Think about their experience as they navigate your physical space and new business process.
  5. Stay informed, elicit confidence and make timely updates when necessary – be sure you know about changing state and local requirements and refer to guidance from authorities such as the CDC to inform your messaging.

So, what are some of the latest signage trends for COVID-19?

Consider the following options and ideas as you plan your communications.

  • Welcome Signs: Use banners to welcome customers and employees to your place of business and let them know they are appreciated. Let students know it’s good to have them back in the classroom.
  • Enter/Do Not Enter Signs: Use posters and window decals to let people know where and when they should or should not enter your business and what to expect when they get there.
  • Directional Signs: A key challenge for many businesses is directing traffic, especially foot traffic. Use yard signs, curb signs, banners and posters to direct people on where to go, and what is expected as they navigate your business.
  • Mask Requirement/Recommendation Signs: Use posters and stanchion signs to let people know your mask protocol, regardless of your business procedures and policy.
  • Hand Washing & Restroom Signs: Posters and door signs are a good way to remind people to frequently wash their hands to help reduce the spread of the virus and to keep everyone healthy.
  • Hand Sanitizer Stations: Many businesses are setting up sanitizer stations to encourage clean hands. Use directional and location signs to notify the public to the presence of and where to find the stations.
  • Meeting Room Signs: Don’t forget your meeting room protocols. Are masks required? Has the occupancy limit changed? Do you want to direct people where to sit and remind them to social distance? Posters, stanchion signs, table tents and table decals are good tools for communication.
  • Water Fountain Signs: Many water fountains are not in service during COVID-19. Use wall posters to notify people to this fact and where they can obtain water and other beverages.
  • Check-in Stations: Many businesses and medical facilities have instituted temporary check-in stations. Will my temperature be taken? Where will I wait for service? Use posters to direct people and signs or table tents to instruct them on what’s to come.
  • Line Forming & Queuing Signs: Many businesses have limited occupancy and are queuing customers. Use clear signage to let them know where the line forms, remind them to social distance and what to expect when they get to the door. Use distance markers and decals on the floor, ground or walls to show people where to stand.
  • Temporary Measures or Closures: Be sure you notify people when temporary measures are being taken. Use signs and banners for clear communication.
  • Limited Occupancy Signs: Covid-19 has changed many occupancy limits so let your customers know with wall plaques and posters.
  • Kitchen & Cafeteria Signs: Direct your staff and students on what to expect when obtaining food and eating in the workplace or school. Use posters for instructions, floor decals to direct traffic and table tents at food and cashier stations.
  • Elevator Signs: Don’t forget the elevators! Is occupancy limited? Is it clear where to find the stairwells? Use posters, floor and wall decals to direct traffic and remind occupants to social distance.
  • Fact Sheets: Provide employees, staff and students with a simple fact sheet or brochure communicating current protocols, relevant information such as possible COVID-10 symptoms and how to access medical assistance, along with your businesses commitment to keeping people safe.

Communicating with customers and employees is more critical now than ever. Be sure your messaging and signage is clear, concise and actionable. At the end of the day, the goal is to protect the well-being and safety of everyone. After all, our health depends on it.

Don’t go it alone, contact the team at Associated Printing & Marketing Solutions to help plan your COVID-19 signage!